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Easy And Fluffy Pancakes

Easy And Fluffy Pancakes

easy fluffy pancakes

Confession: I'm not a big fan of sweet breakfasts.

Bread, eggs, cheese = yum. Perfect breakfast. 
Pancakes, waffles, cake = yum. Perfect dinner. 

For real. I'd rather have pancakes for dinner than for breakfast. With lots of blueberries please. And chocolate chips, if you insist. And a bottle or seven of maple syrup. 

Now that we got that out of the way, let us discuss these fluffy pancakes. 

Up until recently, I've never been able to achieve a perfectly fluffy pancake. My pancakes were always pitifully flat and amateurish. But then I started making my pancakes bigger. And making this recipe. With 4 teaspoons of baking powder and very simple ingredients, they're hard to mess up. I know, I know - how annoying when people say that, because then if you do mess up, it's SO much worse. But, because of the simplicity of these pancakes, I felt I could take the very big liberty of using that phrase. Really, this recipe is so easy to make that you're sure to achieve a beautifully fluffy pancake every time. There - I did it again. Took another liberty. I'm just setting you up for success, is all. 

But you know what? If for some reason, you try these and they don't work out, just pretend you intended for the pancakes to be scrambled. It was on purpose, duh. 

fluffy pancake recipe
best fluffy pancake recipe

My favorite way to make these pancakes is with blueberries, but since blueberry pancakes aren't so photogenic, I kept the pancakes plain for the photos.

I also like to add chocolate chips if I'm in a festive mood (jokes - I'll add chocolate chips even if I'm not celebrating anything).

You could also keep the pancakes plain and top the (hefty) stack with fruits after frying.

Other obvious additions : maple syrup, butter, honey, and jam. 

Oh, and I'm quite proud of my pouring shot to the right of this text. I won't tell you how much maple syrup and how many snaps it took to achieve the shot (3.7 million). 

Let me know if you try these and you are successful (i.e. FLUFFY AND YUMMY).

And just substitute soy milk for regular milk if you're lactose intolerant. 

Happy pancake-ing! (It's a thing.)

easy pancake recipes
fluffy pancake recipe
fluffy pancakes


P.S. Notice the chocolate chips I snuck in the third pancake in the stack below? Hee Hee. I had to. 

easy pancake recipe


easy and fluffy pancakes

Adapted from the cookbook "Kids in the Kitchen"

Yield: 8 BIG pancakes

1 3/4 cups flour (you can use whole wheat too)
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 cups milk
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Optional: 1/2 cup blueberries or chocolate chips

In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. Add in the rest and whisk till just combined.

Fry the pancakes on medium heat (I used spray oil - regular oil makes them soggy). When bubbles appear on the pancakes, flip and fry on the other side till golden.

Serve right away with desired toppings. 


On a completely unrelated note, yeah, why:

                                                    Photo from dump a day dot com

                                                    Photo from dump a day dot com

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