
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Winter Pastels

Winter Pastels

Click on an image to shop. Items pictured in ascending price order.

Pastels are MY THING. When I’m not wearing ecrus or emerald green or black, you’re bound to find me in a baby pink or a powder blue or a pale yellow or a lilac. Partly because I naturally gravitate towards pastel hues. And partly because they also suit my coloring.

So you can understand that I’m pretty, pretty, pretty (holler if you get the reference) excited about this pastel post. A post full of pastels. Of the winter variety. Think outerwear and knits and long sleeves and velvet. All in pastel shades.

So, as I said, I’m excited. But also. Concerned. Because. I want everything here.

Above are forty-eight winter pastel picks, pictured in ascending price order (and can I just say, I’m loving all the unintentional “P” alliterations this post contains). Also. Over thirty of the garments above are under $100.

Pick your pastels.

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