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Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette
Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette: almond flour crust (that requires no fridge chilling!) filled with a juicy peach + almond filling. So easy and beautiful! | TrufflesandTrends.com

Happy Passover!

We’re right in the thick of the holiday. And it’s time for our third, and final, Passover recipe of 2019. Okay, I agree, I’m making it all sound a littttle too official. I promise this recipe is less serious than I’m making it out to be. And more delightful. And more delicious.

Because I must inform you, first and foremost, that this gluten-free almond peach galette is EVEN EASIER AND QUICKER to make than your typical gluten-full galette!! We’ll get into the details of how later.

Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette: almond flour crust (that requires no fridge chilling!) filled with a juicy peach + almond filling. So easy and beautiful! | TrufflesandTrends.com

Jokes, let’s get into it now.

This Passover almond peach galette is quicker than a regular galette because there’s no flour in the crust (wassup almond flour). Which means the crust doesn’t actually need to be chilled in the fridge before being rolled out. Your galette life just got so much easier.

There’s no gluten involved, and the gluten is what makes things complicated when it comes to moisture and shrinkage and what not in pie crusts. But we don’t got to worry bout none of that here. We’ve only got almond flour to deal with. Which won’t shrink or spread the way all-purpose flour does. WINNNNNNNING!

Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette: almond flour crust (that requires no fridge chilling!) filled with a juicy peach + almond filling. So easy and beautiful! | TrufflesandTrends.com

And about the crust, aside from the base of almond flour. You’ve also got options about which fat you’d like to incorporate. Going the dairy-free route? Try coconut oil! (Or margarine, but that’s just not my personal preference in any baking situation in general ever.) Going the classic route? Use butter, of course!

There’s also a wee bit of sugar in this gluten-free crust. And salt. And water. Because hello, we’re making pie dough here.

But. Once that’s all mixed together. AND BTW! You can mix the crust together by hand instead of a food processor, if you’d like (I’m telling you, almond flour changes everything).

So anyway. Once the pie crust is mixed together by the method of your choice. Instead of placing the dough into the fridge to chill, just roll it out straight away!

Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette: almond flour crust (that requires no fridge chilling!) filled with a juicy peach + almond filling. So easy and beautiful! | TrufflesandTrends.com

And even with all these changes, this galette crust still manages to be perfectly crispy and flaky. It’s actually more rich and tender and melt-in-your-mouth than a pie crust made with flour is, thanks to all of that rich and fatty almond flour.

I’m really advocating for almond flour today, aren’t I? Not sponsored by almond flour okay!!!

Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette: almond flour crust (that requires no fridge chilling!) filled with a juicy peach + almond filling. So easy and beautiful! | TrufflesandTrends.com

Once you roll the dough out, top it with the fruit mixture, and send the peach galette straight into your oven.

As for the fruit mixture. It’s a peach one (first summer stone fruit recipe of the season what what). And an almond one. An almond peach one. With sugar, for sweetening. And potato starch (because cornstarch is nixed on Passover), for thickening. And lemon juice, for a nice tartness to sweetness balance.

Simply toss that peach, sliced almond mixture all together, place it over the center of the rolled dough, fold the borders of the dough over the fruit, brush that border with an egg for glossiness, and sprinkle sliced almonds and raw sugar over everything for extra attractiveness points.

Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette: almond flour crust (that requires no fridge chilling!) filled with a juicy peach + almond filling. So easy and beautiful! | TrufflesandTrends.com

This gluten-free peach galette can be served right out of the oven, or even a day or two later, at room temperature. Just store the peach galette in your fridge if you’re not serving it the day you baked it.

A hot slice of this crispy and tender and rich and juicy and sweet and tart and nutty gluten-free galette, along with a scoop of cold vanilla ice cream and a dusting of confectioners sugar - Passover should come more than once a year, I say.

Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette: almond flour crust (that requires no fridge chilling!) filled with a juicy peach + almond filling. So easy and beautiful! | TrufflesandTrends.com

Gluten-Free Almond Peach Galette

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Yield: 8-10 servings

2 cups almond flour
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons cold coconut oil, margarine, or butter
2-3 tablespoons cold water

3-4 peaches
½ cup sliced almonds
½ cup granulated sugar
3 tablespoons potato starch
Pinch of salt
Juice of half a lemon
-1 egg, for brushing
-Sliced almonds and raw sugar, for garnishing

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

 2. In a large bowl, stir together the almond flour, sugar, and salt. Add in the coconut oil (or margarine/butter) in clumps, followed by the 2 tablespoons of water. Mix the dough until the mixture starts sticking together. If the dough is too dry, add a bit more water.

 3. Drop the dough onto the parchment lined baking sheet and roll or spread it out into a thin circle (doesn’t have to be perfect). Place the sheet into the fridge while preparing the filling.

 4. Peel (if desired) the peaches and slice them into thin wedges. Add them to a large bowl. Mix the slices with the rest of the filling ingredients until they’re evenly coated.

 5. Strain the peach mixture before spooning it over the center of the dough, leaving a 2-inch border all around the dough bare. Fold the empty border of dough over the peaches.

 6. Brush the border with a beaten egg. Sprinkle sliced almonds on the border of the galette and then sprinkle raw sugar over the entire galette.

 7. Bake galette for 24-30 minutes, until it’s golden brown on top and bottom. Serve the galette warm or at room temperature, with ice cream and a dusting of confectioners sugar if desired.

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