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Trench Coats: 40 Favorites

Trench Coats: 40 Favorites

click on an image to be brought to its web page. items pictured in ascending price order. 

It's the middle of March. It's the height of jacket season. And there's nothing quite as chic and versatile as a trench coat.

Well, trench jacket, really. We're not dealing with the heavy, wool trench coats today. We're only dealing with trench jackets. But for some reason, trench coats are always called trench coats even when they're extremely lightweight and are actually jackets.  So we'll stick with the conventional lingo for this post - trench coats.

Trench coats are versatile because while you can stick with the classic, tan, buttoned trench coat that's usually worn on a rainy day, there's also the option to don a maxi waterfall trench coat in a satiny fabric, or a suede, midi trench coat, or a crepe, wrap, short trench coat.

So many options. And lots of occasions the trench is appropriate for - a classic trench for work or casual wear, or a wrap trench coat for a more formal occasion or night out. 

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