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Ought Not To, Ought To: Black Booties

Ought Not To, Ought To: Black Booties

short black boots - expensive and affordable

1. Church's Chelsea Boot
2. Mango Chelsea Boot

For all you new readers to the blog (welcome, welcome), check out my first "Ought Not To, Ought To" post to see what this series is about (ooh, the suspense!).

Short black boots (booties) are a fall, winter, and spring wardrobe staple, as far as I'm concerned. What can you pair them with? Well, black booties are cute when paired with skirts, dresses, jeans, leggings, shorts - yup, everything. 

Because of the popularity and demand for simple black booties, there are millions (just a wild guess) of styles out there to choose from, in all different price ranges. And numerous times, the cheaper boots are indistinguishable from their higher priced counterparts. Which brings me to my next sentence (and that, folks, was today's edition of "unnecessary sentences"):

Behold are some comparisons for expensive and more affordable black boots. The top collage features flat booties, and the bottom collage, heeled booties. Take your pick (or picks)!


black heeled booties - cheap and expensive

1. Jimmy Choo
2. Guess
3. Dolce Vita
4. Jessica Simpson


On a completely unrelated note, that's some pretty cheap free wifi:

                                                                Photo from dump a day

                                                                Photo from dump a day

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