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Awesome Autumn Accessories

Awesome Autumn Accessories

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We're two weeks into fall. So I'm late. Late with presenting you with some awesome autumn accessories. But better late than never. And besides, I'm not that late. There's still more than two months left till winter starts. So, au contraire, why don't we say that I'm actually really, really early and so well-prepared? I like that better.

Gawd, I hate being late.


44 fall accessories. Scarves and gloves and hats and jewelry and bags and socks and shawls and hair accessories and - well, that's it.

I love cold-weather apparel because you're able to get all creative and mix and match and layer.  There's just so many more options in the winter than in the summer. In the summer, it's too hot to think about wearing anything but simple, single layers. In the winter, however, you can wear a dress. With a sweater over it. With tights under it. And socks over those tights. And boots over the tights and socks. And another sweater on top of the first sweater. And then a jacket or coat on top of the dress and two sweaters and tights and socks and boots. And then a scarf and a pair of gloves and a hat to complement everything. And even sunglasses, if it's sunny.

See? So many options! But let's focus on the scarf/gloves/hat/tights section. Cuz that's what this post is about.

Well, are you focusing? Great. Now, if you've given it a good think, pat yourself on the back. And get shopping.


On a completely unrelated note, right???

                                                 photo from dump a day dot com

                                                 photo from dump a day dot com

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